Misfortune and obstacles, enemies and thieves.
Dream dictionary: Ravens or crows, seeing dream meanings
…he is not really my cousin, you know he is a middy, and I secretly adore him kissed me!I felt certain he was in love, only he was too shy to say anything and well, I never thought he would have clinched matters so precipitately. But my duck-dreams are always good. When I dreamed of them once before, what do you think I got in the morning? Why, a gold watch from a great-aunt, who had never in her life before made me a present of anything. So, you see, I just mean to dream of ducks as often as I can.”The experience of an elderly married lady, who until recently resided in Upper Norwood, is not so pleasant. “I dread either seeing or dreaming of magpies, she said to me; they always foretell a death. I dreamed three magpies crossed my path the day before my…